  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All


  • MultiRecordSelection





Private lastChecked

lastChecked: HTMLInputElement = null


Private handleCheckboxKeyboardActions

  • handleCheckboxKeyboardActions(e: PointerEvent, target: HTMLInputElement, cleanUpState?: boolean): void

Private registerActions

  • registerActions(): void

Private registerActionsEventHandlers

  • registerActionsEventHandlers(): void

Private registerCheckboxActions

  • registerCheckboxActions(): void

Private registerCheckboxKeyboardActions

  • registerCheckboxKeyboardActions(): void

Private registerCheckboxStateChangedEventHandler

  • registerCheckboxStateChangedEventHandler(): void

Private registerCheckboxTableRowSelectionAction

  • registerCheckboxTableRowSelectionAction(): void

Private registerDispatchCheckboxStateChangedEvent

  • registerDispatchCheckboxStateChangedEvent(): void

Private registerToggleCheckboxActions

  • registerToggleCheckboxActions(): void

Static Private changeActionContainerVisibility

  • changeActionContainerVisibility(container: HTMLElement, visible?: boolean): void
  • This primarily just adds/removes the "hidden" class of the container. In case the container is in a panel, it also toggles the other panel heading elements. Note: This only works in case the container is not in the wrapper class, which should only be used for containers, outside of a panel.


    • container: HTMLElement

      The container to change the visibility for

    • visible: boolean = true

      Whether the container should be visible or not

    Returns void

Static Private changeCheckboxState

  • changeCheckboxState(checkbox: HTMLInputElement, check: boolean): void

Static Private getCheckboxes

  • getCheckboxes(state?: CheckboxState, identifier?: string): NodeListOf<HTMLInputElement>

Static Private getCombinedSelector

  • getCombinedSelector(selector: string, identifier: string): string

Static Private getIdentifier

  • getIdentifier(element: HTMLElement): string

Static Private restoreTemporaryState

  • restoreTemporaryState(): void

Static Private toggleActionsState

  • toggleActionsState(identifier?: string): void

Static Private unsetManuallyChangedAttribute

  • unsetManuallyChangedAttribute(identifier: string): void
  • The manually changed attribute can be set by components, using this module while implementing custom logic to change checkbox state. To not cancel each others action, all actions in this module respect this attribute before changing checkbox state. Therefore, this method is called prior to every action in this module, which changes checkbox states. Otherwise old state would may led to misbehaviour.


    • identifier: string

    Returns void

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